Sunday, June 20, 2010

I really want

a lot of things right now. But patience is a virtue that I possess sometimes. List of things I want so far
-The Sims and expansions
-Pretty Breakfast at Tiffanys pocket watch necklace
-more books
-Copic Markers
-Beauty and The Beast DVD
-New clothes for summer/fall
-More Books
-Time to read books,
-Time to draw
-Time for my friends
-Time for family
-New Swimsuit
-Pool time with my little brother
-Lose weight
-Save money for an apartment
-Get Fennec Fox
-Create more things for my portfolio
-Write five books
-Animate stuff
-Write songs
-Have people read my books
-Take pictures
-Get polaroid camera
-love my boyfriend more
-be happy

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I don't understand.

Today, something crazy happened.

The morning went great, I got up, made my protein shake, watched a weird movie (i like those) and took a nice hot shower.
Then something ridiculous occurred. My brother, who is ten years old, decided not to knock like usual when i'm in the shower to go to the bathroom, and pissed down our air vent. My whole house smells of pee.
I lost it, I blew my top, mainly because I was so baffled by what possessed him to do this act.
I couldn't think of what to do, so I called my mom and she was furious, yelled at him, and then told me to clean it up.
I made him clean it up.
I'm not going to pick up a ten year old mess, specially one like that. If I ever have kids, they'll pick up their own messes, not because I don't want to, but to teach them that they have to take responsibility for their actions. Now I'm talking when they're my brothers age, I'm not gunna make a two year old pick up giant messes like that or do the dishes, that's just silly. But my brother should learn better values other than playing video games and whining for food.
Anyways. Rant over with.

The writing is going good, I finally revised all of it and I'm wondering if I should post the chapters one by one on my blogs. I don't know if anyone will read them, and thats the scary part. I'm scared others won't like what I have to write, but I'm still writing, why? Because I need to get the stories out of my head, they need to be poured out into something, and I'm not much of a artist (says myself) and I'm pretty good at writing so I'm trying that instead.

I'm still working on my zombie pictures, which is good I guess. But I miss Paul. He got a new job at a infomercial place, it's pretty snazzy, and I'm really happy for him. He got a new haircut too, at first I was skeptical about it but it looks really good on him. I'll upload pictures I've done next post, until then I'm out like sour crout

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So today has been slow. The dogs sleeping, the cats sleeping, the brothers sleeping. What am I to do? I've searched the internet, and all I find is stuff about Glee. I can't watch Glee, mostly because it's all teen angst and I can't handle that. I'm a teenager and I have gotten over all the angst. What I do like though, surprisingly, is adventure time with Finn and Jake. It's funny, random, and has a good feel to it lol, like most cartoons, although Flapjack gives me nightmares sometimes. I watched Jerry Springer, and all the men on that show all say the same thing "If she don't give me sex, I'll cheat on her"

I don't know if thats true or not, but all together its a D-bag/waffle statement. If that's true, then I'm definitely out with the whole relationship thing. I'm not going to give somebody something just out of fear that they'll leave me, it's wrong and I can be on my own.

Ugh. Anyways I'm going to go draw out my frustrations and take a shower cause I have to go to the clinic later and that's always nerve racking for me.

I hate doctors.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It sucks to read minds

Today is crazy.

When you have four twelve year old boys with ADD running around your house with nerf guns.
ugh, I want to write, but I can't concentrate with them, and I can't go to another room because I have to watch them. I am in a pickle.

So what will I do?
I'll surf the internet and post the stuff I find on it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Episode 1

I've always seen blogspot on every ones cool blog so I thought I'd create one too, just to compete with a blogger who happens to be around me all the time lol, except he talks about photography and everything else. I'm going to be talking about whatever comes to my mind, because life is an adventure, and i'm living it :]